Stand with shoulders-width feet, hands behind neck, and dumbbells on shoulders. Optional: Hold a weight behind your neck with both hands. Slowly bend forward from hips until upper body is parallel to floor with knees slightly bent and torso straight.
Wrap a resistance band over thighs and lay on back with knees bent and feet 12 16 inches from butt. Press into heels and compress glutes to elevate hips toward ceiling while pressing upper back into floor and keeping band tension. Pause at peak, then controllably drop to mat.
On all fours, position a dumbbell at the right knee crease. Lift leg into air with right knee bent 90 degrees until thigh is parallel to floor. To restart, lower right leg controlled.
Stand on left leg with resistance band center wrapped under left and grasp one end in each hand. Lift hips back and lower torso forward to 45 degrees as you step right back. Left heel drive reverses movement to start again. One rep. After all repetitions, turn sides and repeat with right leg.
Lay on your back with knees bent and feet flat. Hug your right knee to your chest and hold it with both hands. Engage your glutes and elevate your hips to align your left thigh with your back. Control your descent. One rep. After all repetitions, turn sides and repeat with left leg.
Start sitting with legs extended, hands behind butt, palms flat on floor, fingers facing body, and arms straight. Form a straight line from shoulders to heels by pressing onto palms and lifting hips. Tap right toes near glutes with hips elevated and right knee bent.
Start resting on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Work core, push into heels, and clench glutes to elevate hips to make a straight line from knees to shoulders. Use control to lower right foot.
Start resting on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Work core, push into heels, and clench glutes to elevate hips to make a straight line from knees to shoulders. Balance on toes and take one stride back toward glutes with right foot.
Lie on your back with arms out to the side pushing onto mat, knees bent, and feet hip-width apart. Keeping pelvis level, straighten one leg toward ceiling, foot flexed to point up. Lift hips equally with glutes. Return to the mat calmly. Rep one. Switch sides and repeat after all repetitions.